Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You know you need to de-stress but HOW??? 
Mark your calendar!
October the 23rd
From 9am - 1pm 
Prince William Park, 
Triangle, VA 
Imagine a cool autumn morning in the park, breathtaking vistas of kaleidoscope leaves shimmering with dew in the fresh morning sun. Just the thought is relaxing, but there's more! Gather with others to learn what stress is, it's importance in our survival and how to manage it before it wrecks havoc on our bodies, minds and spirits. Unbridled it's a killer, harnessed it can turn surviving into thriving.
Join us for real world solutions for real world stress.
With a mini retreat in nature.
Come have some fun and practice the 3 R's of managing stress.
You'll leave with a toolkit full of techniques you actually know how to use.
Starting your day off right
Dealing with "joy jackers"
Finding fun
Debriefing after a hectic day
Balance, balance, balance
1 minute stress relief
2 minute relaxation
3 minute balance 
Wholesome, warm breakfast included.

Click here to register

Bring a friend and save $5 each!!